TWGA Autumn Newsletter 2023

The fagus is turning and the annual migration north of guides has begun!

In this volume, Alisha Lawton gives her president’s report, Andy Szollosi explores the EOI dilemma, Ed Philp recounts his experience of guiding the Great Tasmanian Traverse, Vito Macolino reflects on giving up guiding, Heidi Krajewsky outlines some convenient ways for guides to contribute to citizen science and Amelie Hudspeth gives a recap of the NITA cultural awareness course from March. We have also included an Acknowledgement of Coutnry fact sheet, and a community noticeboard with upcoming courses. And don’t forget, the results of our photo competition are in!

So dive in folks and enjoy!

TWGA Autumn Newsletter 2023


TWGA Winter Newsletter 2023


TWGA Summer Newsletter 2023